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An alle Freunde und Fans! Velvet Viper werden sich 2025 mit „The Final Chapter“ Tour verabschieden. So bleibt mir noch ein Jahr für ein face to face wie seit fast 60 Jahren. -smile- Wir sehen uns bestimmt noch mal und werden das Eisen ordentlich schmieden.
Grüße Jutta
To all friends and fans! Velvet Viper will say goodbye in 2025 with "The Final Chapter" tour. So I have one moreyear left for a face to face like I have had for almost 60 years. -smile- We'll definitely see each other and we'll strike the iron properly again.
Greetings Jutta

Es gibt NEWS aus dem Hause Velvet Viper. Wir haben einen neuen Song geschrieben, den wir erstmals nur

Hi all you friends of the dark and heavy beats out there,
Our new album is called ‘Nothing compares to Metal’. As on the first three albums of the new era, Jutta and Holger have composed all the songs. The album is a continuation of our concept with lyrics about classical, poetic and mythical themes. For Velvet Viper it is very important to create music which reflects our mentality and our creative freedom, because the world need originals, not copies. For the very first time we also have a song with German lyrics (on the CD version), which is a private little statement from Jutta. The songs are all 5, 6 or 7 minutes long, because we felt that they need enough space to evolve, with different parts and complex structuring to create the drama we want our music to convey.
We have chosen a natural old-school sound with only some little sprinkles of keyboard here and there, and thus we tried to capture our live sound that we love so much. We have toured and recorded with an unchanged lineup for several years now and really nailed our style of music this time with crushing beats and great melodies.
Stay heavy and we will see you out there on the dark roads!
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New Singles from "Nothing Compares to Metal":
VELVET VIPER kündigen Vinyl Re-releases an
VELVET VIPER werden ihre Alben "Velvet Viper" und "The 4th Quest For Fantasy" auf Vinyl veröffentlichen - remastered und mit neuem Artwork!
Beide LPs werden am 08.07.2022 bei Massacre Records erscheinen und können hier bestellt werden:
Velvet Viper (Remastered) » https://lnk.to/velvetviperremastered
The 4th Quest For Fantasy (Remastered) » https://lnk.to/4thquestforfantasyremastered
Beide Alben wurden von Alexander Krull im Mastersound Studios remastered.
Das neue Layout wurde von Roland Heckmann gestaltet.

VELVET VIPER im Rock Hard Magazin